Necropathic Spectregraph

I weep for the bank accounts of the discerning Steampunk and Esoterica collectors of the world, because if ever there were an object worthy of covetous bidding, it would be this.  Above, from Alex CF that most prolific and gifted of Steampunk ephemera creator known for vampire kits, werewolf research collections and of course, Cthulhu’s in a jar, is the Necropathic Spectregraph (Ebay UK).

It was created, according to the description, to allow Steampunk metaphysists to attempt to establish communication with non-corporeal entities of various descriptions.  It is, of course, just a prop, but it’s one of the most beautiful I’ve ever laid eyes on, and indeed would put many ‘real’ film props to terrible shame.  Furnished with viewing lenses, morse key, electrostimulation switch, photographs of previous encounters and the utterly essential goggles for safety, it’s just stunning, and he has outdone himself again.  It makes my heart hurt to know it exists at all, because before I’d have only hoped to see things in dreams.  Stunning, Alex.