British Steam Car Record Attempt

Posted by on June 26th,2007
British Steam Land Speed Record Attempt Vehicle

In 1907, the fastest vehicle on the planet was powered by steam. Now, steam vehicles have a reputation (whether true or not) for being slow, inefficient and generally rubbish – but that may not be the way it has to be. The British Steam Car Challenge team are making a new steam powered car, with four boilers and a very high tech chassis indeed – their aim being to break the 200mph (321kph) barrier that has stymied other attempts in the past. A technological achievement that would help to establish that steam is a technology with ‘legs’ yet!

Interestingly, they cite raising the popularity of steam as a vehicle propulsion method once again – adding that almost any fuel can be used to generate steam, whether it’s mined, grown, or even captured from the sun. The car above will be using LPG for their attempt and you can read more about it on the official site (with fan club) or on the Steam Car Club site page too. There was even a radio program on BBC Radio4 about it too. Good publicity, and if it means that in a few years time I can have a steam car of my own, then more power to them. Best of British, gentlemen! (I.e. Good luck). Thankyou to Miss Turner, Swizec, NovySan, Alex, Mr Clary, Sedition and Mr Plunkett.