Miniature Man-Melter Raygun from Weta

If you are going to the San Diego Comic Convention during the 25th to 29th of next month (July), and you happen to be desirous of a one-quarter sized Man-Melter raygun (and it seems alien to me that you would not be, but each to their own), then haste ye to the Weta site so that you may preorder one for the painfully tempting price of thirty US dollars.  Preorders are open only until the 20th of July, and they must be collected at said comic convention – otherwise I would have sneakily preordered at least one for myself already!

Of comparable size to a pocketwatch (good analogy) and perfectly formed of hefty metal, they are quite obviously the bite sized versions of their larger Steampunk/Pulp brethren.  Sighs   Still, perhaps if they do well, they will be rolled out to the other, equally marvellous raygun styles in miniature form and be available for purchase and delivery.  A young lady can hope, can’t she?  Thanks to Doktor A for pointing this out, and also spotted over at the lovely Street Tech blog.