Dream Dollar - 1 dollar wallpaper

Mr Epp reminded me of the utterly stunning Dream Dollars that I had heard about before, but took little heed to. How mistaken I was to ignore them! The Dream Dollars are ‘reproductions’ of the currency of a utopia-seeking colony that sought to live in secret on the newly discovered continent of antarctica, in the mid 1800’s. Called Nadiria, and made possible by the secret chemical compound known as Heaven’s Fire, the colony started out well, and though split in twain by a mad dash for leadership between the Church and Bank, it seemed to thrive for a time. There was even discovery of the remains of an ancient antarctic civilisation, far below the ice!

But the colony dissapeared, leaving scraps of information, books and their beautiful, unique and peculiar (seasonal) currency. Thought to inspire prophetic and powerful dreams, and serving as some form of subconsious information trasmitter, the currency became known as Dream Dollars. They’re in denominations of 1, 4, 7, 13, 28, 52, 91, 365.

Or perhaps, it’s all just a mindblowingly elaborate backstory to an ever evolving collection of new money-artworks – but that would be far less interesting. There’s various different sets to buy, as well as handsome wallpapers to download, but I think that the story woven behind it is every bit as interesting to walk away with, as the wallpapers.

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